Website DesignAsylum Entertainment
The new Asylum Entertainment Website includes relevant information on the services they provide in casting and motion design, a team page with their entire staff directory, and dedicated pages which provide extensive information and graphics for each of their television shows and feature-length films.

The Problem
Asylum Entertainment needed a new website to catalog their extensive portfolio of award-winning TV shows, miniseries, and other productions. It was important that the sites’ look and feel match the “TV studio” aesthetic, without sacrificing the perception of Asylum’s size and influence. Their production value is top-tier; the website needed to communicate that value and serve as a platform for interacting with other industry professionals.

One of the bigger challenges with this project came in handling how the variety of dynamic content would be maintained. Our solution came in the form of a robust back-end so Asylum staff could swap out shows and make announcements right on the homepage. Combined with API-fed showtimes specific to Asylum productions, the site does a great job of keeping its content fresh.

The Solution
Launched in January of 2014, the Asylum website still functions as a central hub for their publishing of company news and industry outreach. The site sees a fair amount of traffic for the TV industry at around 2500 monthly visitors, with visitors taking their time to browse at an average of 2.6 pages per/session. SEO has aided visibility in the right places, with over 40% of traffic coming from Los Angeles and New York City – the centers of US television production.