Website DesignSt. Joseph’s Imaging
The new St. Joseph’s Imaging Associates website connects patients with the ability to schedule an appointment at one of their eight locations learn specific details about the different exams and the patient’s role in taking them, and get information on their specific radiologist.

The Problem
The former St. Joseph’s Imaging site wasn’t keeping up with the expansion of their network of locations and imaging services. A new site was needed to provide their patients with information vital to facilitate a successful appointment. Everything from pre-examination preparation info to Frequently Asked Questions needed to be included to proactively inform new patients of what to expect with each examination. With an older, more diverse audience, accessibility was also key to generating a successful site.

With anything in the medical industry, it is important that the design does its best to remove doubt and provide a comfortable experience for the user. Imaging procedures can be very sensitive, so it was important we were upfront with any information that might help soothe potential anxieties. Making the pre-examination prep information easy to access and understand went a long way in reducing the amount of rescheduled appointments due to being unprepared.

The Solution
In addition to paying special attention to positioning the most popular information – SJI locations, and pre-exam prep info – we fleshed out the site to provide more value for its audience for both physicians, and patients. A major leap for the new site was in including a form for requesting appointments. We had to make sure this form would integrate into their existing workflow for receiving and managing appointments. At around 150 daily sessions, the site seems to serve its patient’s needs well. Not to mention that, since launch, over 500 appointments have been made through the site.